Multikulturní Centrum Praha
Czech Republic
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The Multicultural Center Prague (MKC) is a non-profit organisation engaged in the pursuit of educational and research activities in the fields of international migration, social inclusion of Roma and global development. Founded in 1999, it strives for a Czech society based on respect for human rights, intercultural tolerance and understanding and political equality. In the field of research of international migration it has focused on the regulation of labour immigration in the Czech Republic, migrant workers´ rights and social mobility. For more than ten years it has coordinated a specialised and widely used portal on international migration in the Czech Republic and Central Europe.
The MKC Prague took part in a large number of European projects.For example the photography exhibition "Work Is Elsewhere" was displayed in more than ten locations and four countries, while the project "Cultures from around the bloc" (2008) was selected as flagship project of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. It has created a widely used website Prague Shared and Divided exploring multicultural history of Prague. Through its Labcit project supported by Europe for Citizens program it has been able to connect experience of EU mobile workers whose labour rights have been violated with policy-makers from national and EU levels.
The MKC Prague has had vast experience translating project results and research into information that could be accessed and understood by a wider public. For this purpose they have used more traditional means such as public debates and seminars and less traditional ones such as exhibitions in public space, guided city walks or interactive website projects. In 2016 it organised the first MigFilm – Migration Film festival, which included film screenings and other events.
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Justyna Janowska Justyna Janowska graduated International relations at the University of Warsaw. Her research focused on regional cooperation in the framework of the Visegrád Group (V4). She has been involved in several think tanks in Poland and gained experience at state institutions as well as civil society organizations. In the past she has been collaborating with multiple news portals writing articles about political and public affairs in central European countries. She is particularly interested in civic participation of migrants, international migration from Ukraine to Poland and the Czech Republic and migration policy of the latter. Currently working at MKC as a coordinator of international projects on labour migration and working conditions. |
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Zdena Hofmannová Zdena Hofmannová studied Bachelor degree sociology and social anthropology at Charles University. Currently she is a student of Masters Programme general anthropology at the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University. In her studies, she focuses on migration and mental health. She is employed in MKC as a coordinator of international projects about migration and labour conditions. |