WP1 – Labour Market Barriers and Enablers
Start: January 2018. End: February 2019. Lead partner: National Technical University of Athens | ||
The aim of WP1 is to investigate labour shortages, skills needs and mismatches by examining skills and qualifications and their use in the labour market so as to assess the position of post-2014 migrants, refugees, asylum seekers in the workforce and identify barriers and enablers for their labour market integration. Partners will investigate the position of post-2014 migrants, refugees, asylum seekers in the workforce for all the SIRIUS countries (United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece and Finland) to build a comprehensive assessment of labour market barriers and enablers. This work phase will involve conducting cross-national comparative research at two levels. At the first level, the research will focus on the characteristics (skills and qualifications) of recent migrants, refugees, asylum seekers in each country under investigation, in order to evaluate the integration progress and determine the drivers behind unemployment and inactivity. At the second level, the research will focus on specific features of each country in our study, including: productive structure, employment composition by sector of economic activity, occupations and skills, labour flows, unemployment rates, level of skills as well as the overall macroeconomic situation. The scope of this level is to identify the key sectors for output and employment as well as the dynamic occupations of the current period and to forecast the future trends in these areas. An efficient model for the simulation of the labour market will be achieved, providing a method for the matching of skills and qualifications of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers across the sectors and the occupations of the economy, aiming for the optimization of the integration process. Outputs: Software, Report - Labour Market Barriers and Enablers, Report - Employability of MRAs in the SIRIUS Countries |