University of Florence
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The University of Florence can trace its origins to the Studium, which was established in 1321, and is one of the largest organizations for research and higher education in Italy with over 1900 tenured teaching staff and researchers, over 1600 permanent technical/administrative staff and language assistants and over 55 thousand students enrolled. The University consists of 24 departments. A large part of the yearly budget is allocated to scientific research. Recently, the University of Florence has been ranked top among Italian Universities for the distribution of national research funds. The University of Florence is one of the largest and most productive public research systems in Italy.
The Department of Legal Sciences (DSG) has been created in January 2013 melting together all existing legal sciences departments to enhance legal research in an open, multidisciplinary and stimulating environment. The Department counts 109 academics and brings together renown and experienced scholars, as well as a number of research projects funded by the Italian Research Council, the Italian University Ministry, the European Commission and other national and international agencies. Past and current research projects hosted by the Department include research on Globalization and Law, Labour Law and Litigation, the Case-law of both the European Court of Justice of the EU and of the Court for the Protection of Human Rights in Strasbourg, Migration and Integration Mechanisms, Transnational Solidarity, Recent Trends in Constitutionalism, the Nature of Government, Authorities and Public Services Regulation, Electoral Laws, Social Entrepreneurship. The Department hosts the laboratory “Diritti, stranieri, antidiscriminazione - DIR.S.A.”, clustering scholars, practitioners and students with an interests in Migration Studies.
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Dr. Veronica Federico is Lecturer with the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Florence, where she teaches Comparative Constitutional and European Law. Veronica obtained her PhD in 2005 at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. She holds a Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (1998 at the EHESS) in comparative studies on development, and a Diploma di laurea in political science from the University of Florence, Italy. Lecturer with the Boston College from 2009 to 2017 in the BC study program in Italy, from 2001 to 2004 she has been research associate with the School of Social Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Principal investigator for the University of Florence in the EU funded Horizon 2020 project TransSOL (grant agreement n. 649435, years 2015-2018, on the theme of transnational solidarity), and member of the University of Florence research team on the EU Horizon 2020 project RESPOND (grant agreement n.770564, on current mass migration management), she has been awarded a number of national and international research grants. Her research interests include: African studies; African Comparative Constitutional Law; Fundamental and Human rights; Constitutional and Democratic Transitions; French Constitutional Law and Politics; Citizenship, and Migration studies. Among her most recent publications: “Società multiculturali e percorsi di integrazione”, co-edited with G. Cerrina Feroni, Florence Universuty Press 2017; “Public Participation in African Constitutionalism”, co-edited with T. Abbiate and M. Böckenförde, Routledge 2018; “Solidarity as Public Virtue” co-edited with C. Lahusen, Nomos 2018 (forthcoming). |
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Dr. Nicola Maggini is a Research Fellow in the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Florence and a member of CISE (Italian Centre for Electoral Studies). He has been a Teaching Assistant for a sociology module at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome, and he currently teaches Italian Political System at Middlebury College (Florence). He holds a BA in Political Science with Distinction (2005), an MA in Political Science with Distinction (2008) from the University of Florence and a PhD with Distinction from the Italian Institute of Human Sciences (SUM) of Florence (2012). He has been a Research Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Florence from 2012 to 2015. He has published in Italian and international scientific journals and has co-edited several volumes for the Dossier CISE series. He is the author of Young People’s Voting Behavior in Europe. A Comparative Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). His main research interests are socio-political attitudes, electoral systems, voting behaviour and party competition in comparative perspective. His academic work deals primarily with quantitative research and statistical analysis of cross-national surveys. |
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Professor Ginevra Cerrina Ferroni is full-time Professor of Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law at the 'Cesare Alfieri' School of Political Science, University of Florence, where she teaches “Comparative Constitutional and European Law” and “Constitutional Courts and Fundamental Rights Multilevel Protection”. She also teaches “Public Law” at the Bocconi University of Milan. She obtained her PHD in “Constitutional Justice and Protection of Fundamental Rights” at the University of Pisa, Faculty of Law. She is member of the Executive Board of the Italian Association of Constitutionalists and Vice-President of the 'Alberto Predieri' Cesifin Foundation - Centre for the Study of Financial Institutions ( From 2008 to 2015 she has been Vice-President of the Italian Association of Comparative and European Public Law. She is also Scientific Coordinator of the Review of the Italian Constitutionalists, Member of the Executive Board of Review of Comparative and European Public (published by Il Mulino), Member of Executive Board of the Constitutional Paths Review (published by Jovene). She has so far carried out comparative researches on: multiculturalism; cultural heritage; sustainable development; administrative justice; forms of government. As a local coordinator, she won the following national research projects: “State Structure, Devolution of Powers and Constitutional Changes: from the British Devolution to the Regionalisation Processes in Italy and some European Unitary States” (2005); “Levels of Government and Multicultural Integration in the European Experience: from Institutions to Rights” (2007); “Renewable Energy Sources: Local, National and European Policies in the Light of the Ongoing Technological Development” (2009). Among her most recent publications: G. Cerrina Feroni, “Diritto costituzionale e società multiculturale”, in Rivista Associazione italiana dei costituzionalisti, n. 1/2017; “Società multiculturali e percorsi di integrazione”, co-edited with V. Federico, Florence University Press 2017; “Environment, Energy, Food. Comparative Legal Models for sustainable development”, I, II, co-edited with T. Frosini, L. Mezzetti, P. Petrillo, 2016; “Le Regioni dalla Costituente al nuovo Senato della Repubblica”, co-edited with G. Tarli Barbieri, 2016. |
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Professor Chiara Favilli is associate Professor of European Union Law at the University of Florence since 2014. She has also been associate Professor at LUMSA University in Rome and Palermo since 2010. She holds a PhD in European Human Rights from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. She is the author of three monographs (International limits to the expulsion of aliens, Non-discrimination in the European Union and Migration law in Italy) and a number of academic articles in several subjects of EU law (a full list of publications is available at The red thread of her research is the development of the European integration process, the impact of EU law at national level and the role of national governments in shaping EU policies. Besides academic activities, she is involved with NGOs, lawyers, judges and public institutions in training courses dealing with EU law in general or with a special focus on migration, asylum and non-discrimination; additionally she has cooperated in several projects in the same fields. She is the scientific coordinator of a cooperation agreement between the Department of Legal Studies to which she belongs and the Legal Service of the Italian Foreign Office since 2017. Moreover, she is the Italian member of the European Network of independent experts in the non-discrimination field since 2012 ( |
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Dr. William Chiaromonte is Researcher in Labour Law at the University of Florence Law School, and he has a National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor of Labour Law. He teaches Labour Law and Advanced Labour Law at the University of Florence Law School. He has a European Master in Labour Studies from the University of Florence and the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium (2004) and a Ph.D. in European Social Law from the University of Macerata (2009). His thesis on Labour and Social Rights of Migrant Workers was awarded both the Marco Biagi Prize for Young Researchers by the Marco Biagi Foundation (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) for the best Italian Ph.D. thesis in Labour Law (edition 2010) and the UNAR-CRUI Prize by the National Office against Racial Discrimination for the best Italian Ph.D. thesis in Anti-discrimination Law (3rd prize, edition 2010). He has been and is involved – also as coordinator – in various national and European research groups. He is editor in chief of the Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali and vice-chairman of the Law degree course of the University of Florence Law School. He is the author of various publications in the field of Labour Law and Social Security Law. In 2013, he published the book Lavoro e diritti sociali degli stranieri. Il governo delle migrazioni economiche in Italia e in Europa (Giappichelli, Torino); the book was awarded with a special mention by the Italian Association of Labour Law and Social Security – A.I.D.La.S.S. (“Massimo D'Antona” award, 2013-2014 edition). In 2018, he co-edited the books Modelli ed esperienze di welfare aziendale (Giappichelli, Torino, with Maria Luisa Vallauri) and Bisogni sociali e tecniche di tutela giuslavoristica. Questioni aperte e prospettive future (Franco Angeli, Milano, with Maria Dolores Ferrara). |
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Dr. Paola Pannia is a Post-doc research Fellow at the University of Florence. She holds a PhD in “Individual Person and Legal Protection” from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa. Her research mostly concerns equality, cultural diversity and judicial reasoning from a comparative, socio-legal perspective. As consultant for the NGO “Defence for children” and for UNHCR, she has been involved in national and international projects focused on immigration, integration and children’s rights. She published several articles on national and international Law Journals on the same topics. Lawyer since 2012, she has collaborated with first and second line reception centres for unaccompanied minors in Florence and has been volunteering at the “Project Arcobaleno Association”, as pro bono lawyer. |
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Mattia Collini Dr. Mattia Collini is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Florence. He is currently a Teaching Assistant for Comparative Political Systems and Political Science, at the School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri” of the University of Florence. He holds a BA in Political Science and an MA in Political Science and Decision Making Processes with Distinction (2013) from the University of Florence. In 2018, he obtained PhD in Political Science from the Institute of Human and Social Studies of Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence). In 2016, he spent a semester at the Department of Political Science of Central European University (Budapest) as part of CEU doctoral support programme. His main research interests are parties and party systems in Central and Eastern Europe, electoral systems, and party competition in comparative perspective. His academic work deals primarily with quantitative research, statistical analysis of cross-national surveys, and mixed-methods approaches. |